If you are on the hunt for the best Instant Pot recipes on the internet, you found it. Create incredible recipes in a fraction of the time compared to other cooking methods.
I have a wide variety of Instant Pot recipes that are easy to make and will please your family or a crowd.
From my most popular Crack Chicken to my Better than Sex Lava Cake. You will find recipes from dips and appetizers, sides, desserts, and of course main dishes.
Step out of the box and try some new Instant Pot recipes and see what new family favorites you can incorporate into your weekly meal schedule. Easy, fast, and savory and sweet recipes are waiting for you.
If you invested or were gifted the new Instant Pot Duo Crisp with air frying lid, you are in luck! Here are some amazing recipes you can try out your new device with!
There are so many incredible reasons as to why the Instant Pot is a must for me and my household. Let me share some reasons why I love my electric pressure cooker.
The instant pot is a magical pot but there are some things that you shouldn’t cook. You will find homemade fresh pasta is a no-no in your pressure cooker. It will break it down and turn it to mush.
Another thing is dairy like cream cheese or heavy cream. You will want to stir in at the end of cooking vs tossing it in to cook. The high pressure can curdle and affect the texture.
Overall you can cook so many meals, desserts and even sides in your device! If you don’t own one, try it out! If you own one, check out my recipes below for tried and true recipes you will love.